ZP: "Watch out for the fucking barrier man. Whaatt. Yeah dude, I agree I've been told."There were a lot of headbanging and bouts of moshing; we ended up breaking the barrier a couple times, and the guards were being assholes by pushing it/us much further away from the stage. Grr. The crowd definitely wasn't too happy about that and retaliated by showing a certain finger.
ZP got mobbed when he came down for closer interaction lol. At one point during the performance he joked,
"Hmmm, what else can we play? Something popular? How about some My Chemical Romance?"
Crowd: "FUCK NO! BOOO!!!"
Lmao. Classic moment there.
Anyway, guess what? I caught Federic's pickS! Pretty cool huh. We stayed behind with faith after the concert ended. True enough, Sam came out; beer in hand. After much (polite) shoving, I managed to get his autograph and a shot of the both of us together. Hell yeah!

Feeling very euphoric, but not quite satisfied, I pulled David backstage and waited for the band's exit. They emerged an hour later, looking all cleaned up except Sam. and yes, I GOT TO MEET THEM!!!!