spinning: ooh la la by goldfrapp
I asked you to watch this space because..
I am reviving this blog. because I want to. :)
Okay pictures on Halloween!
Preparations the day before. it was fun doing up the house!
Something I picked up at a Halloween store. freaky eh.
The end result. I replaced all the lights with small jack-o lantern baskets.
Sorry to all who thought there was tissue inside the box and got freaked out by this! but YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THAT LOOK ON YOUR FACES! haha.
What better to welcome my guests than a murder scene complete with a dead victim?
Okay I think I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. enjoy. =)

courtesy of my little cousin. Clifton are you drunk? lol.
Ahh I got mobbed! "Video Crystal dancing than put on youtube ah."-I HEARD THAT YOU LITTLE TWIT.
The party on the whole was pretty damn awesome. We had vampires, pirates, witches, hot cabaret dancers, renaissance gentlemen, angels, gypsies, a playboy bunny, a victorian maiden, the dutch lady, a british soldier, a transsexual, a mad scientist, the devil, a prisoner etc etc in the house. It really was quite a sight heh.
I appreciate the presence of everyone who came that night, truly. Especially those who came in their costumes, all of you looked amazing!
Having dry ice at the entrance, getting to meet all my old friends, receiving roses and beautiful presents, going crazy with the camera, savoring poison ivy and Oompa Loompa’s color-changing poo poo etc, scaring people with the harmless-looking witch box and the screaming mirror in the washroom, laughing at their hilarious expressions, mad-dancing, being serenaded by Emmanuel, knowing that it’s enough to be loved by people I care about..
Ah. A birthday girl cannot ask for more. :D
One question though,