Okay so what I`m going to do is to copy and paste what I wrote in my travel journal during my stay in England here in this blog.
Day 1:
Left Singapore for Birmingham via Dubai on Emirates Airline. I remember having a gazillion rush of thoughts while on the plane, but they wore me out as quickly as they came and I soon dozed off.
The boys at Dubai airport.Clockwise-Michael Yeo, Rayner, Shaun, Emmanuel, Geoffrey and Navin.
The crowd heading home after a friendly with Jamaica. England won duh.
Old Trafford; this is where it all happens for Manchester United FC and English Premier League giants and arguably, the world's finest football team. :)
Day 2:
So. Plane flights officially suck. My butt hurts like hell and my poor stiff neck is in major need of a massage after so many hours of flying. -fast forward-We reached Langdale Youth Hostel in the evening(UK Time) and had to walk up(2 miles) for the path was too narrow for the coach. The scenery was exactly how I always pictured an English countryside to look like- absolutely gorgeous. It`s summer here right now so the weather`s perfect as well. The girls are gushing about the English boys residing at the hostel, and that was a bit annoying. I mean, yes they are good-looking but do you have to EXCLAIM THAT LOUDLY. No shame ah! Lol. Okay okay better grab some sleep, where`s my blanket! Brrrrr. (fyi: it gets uber cold at night)
The Countryside!

I think I take good photos. Beautiful huh. :)
Day 3:
It`s weird here because the sun sets at about 9.30pm and rises at about 4.30am!I took a leisurely stroll in the morning with some of the girls and we saw sheeps grazing on lush green pastures with a stunning backdrop of the azure blue sky and lofty mountains. I was tempted to get nearer but they were cordoned off, private property apparently. But I was thinking, `You couldn`t possibly have the heart to prosecute a young girl for trying to get closer to the animals, to nature. Its just, wrong.` Lol. So with that thought in my head, I couldn`t be bothered with rules and stuff, and I climbed over the fence and took a lot of pictures haha. Here`s one:

We proceeded to Windermere for the Lake Cruise. It was bitingly cold onboard but the captivating view more than made up for it.

We also visited Rydal Mount; home of William Wordsworth, Dove Cottage, village of Grasmere and William Wordsworth`s final resting place at St.Oswald`s Church.

In the afternoon, Mr.Rozells spearheaded a 2-mile hike up one of the mountains at Lake District. The path was rocky and a little arduous but again, the view we were rewarded with was all worth it in the end.

Inspiration struck while I was up there; taking in the majestic scenery and feeling the cool summer breeze caressing my face softly. I just felt that it would be such a sin not to pen down something when you`re shrouded with you know, beauty at its purest. So yes, I wrote a poem entitled, `Colored Symphony`.
Coloured Symphony
Epitome of perfection.
A canopy of lush greenery
Over lofty mountains.
Experience the dance of leaves,
In the sweet summer breeze
Twirling and swirling sans restriction.
Lake overhead,
Bubbling a sacred lullaby.
Heaven and Earth,
Never at par.
Communal spirits.
Blissful solitude.
Like I said,
Epitome of perfection.
Picturesque like a post-card,
And much more.
It`s imagination set on fire.
A hint of minty air fills my nostrils,
It`s full of hope and warmth,
Like true love`s first kiss.
Putting one last weave,
It is complete.
The tapestry of life.