Sorry for the lack of posts, I`ve been busy. Anyway, the last two days of orientation wasn`t so bad, it was pretty fun. Although the games were not very creative and too much time were devoted to practicing our college and mass dance, the people in my group (THEBES ALPHA) made it thoroughly enjoyable. In my opinion, I`m in the BEST group. We`re loud, we`re fun, and we (or should I say Daniel? Lol.) aren`t afraid to speak up. Fiesta Night was on Friday, and each family was supposed to perform an item. The skit Thebes put up was pretty funny, but the best would have to go to Athens, where this guy played and sang La Bamba on his guitar while the rest danced along to it. Pretty cool stuff. Anyway, it didn`t matter one bit to me that we didn`t clinch champion despite cheering our little lungs out, because I think we`re all winners at heart yeah? :)
Ok pictures!

In my opinion, we have the best banner around. ;)
The placard for our group. Thanks Emmanuel for making it!
Thebes Oiie!
Emmanuel, ma biatch.
Our dear OGLs, Timmy and Emmanuel!
Ooo look! what's that behind Chi Cheong's back? (psst. i got bored during the academic talks heh.)
Pretty self-explanatory.
He likes it. Lmao.
From left, Mildred(the crazy one), Denise (the petite and cute one), Yolanda (the loud one) and Geoffrey (the cool one). =D
Talking in the canteen. Random Vid.
Chi Cheong, also called Sean, the cute one.
Tim`s thinking- `Emmanuel as my OGL partner? gawddd noooo.` haha.
Eunice the girly one and Si Bei the awesome dancer. :)
Si Bei, Josie and me. Taken in the hall. Bored ah.
Geoffrey and the girls. Geoffrey i hate to mention this, but it's too funny to let go. Dude, I can totally see your nipples. wahahaha.
Us mucking around in the school hall.
Josie, my primary one classmate! haha. Chio lah.
Dinner was so sucky, I dunno why they're all so happy. o.O
College dance, special request, Timothy and his beloved Li Shan! hahahahaha. The OGLs had to wrestle him to the ground before finally getting him to consent to dance with her. LMAO.
Well that`s all folks!
To Emmanuel and Timothy, thank you for all your efforts and the commitment that you`ve gave to Thebes Alpha. Tim thank you for always flirting with the girls and offering strepsils to us haha, and Emmanuel, although you were pms-y on one of the days, know that you`ll always be my favorite biatch! Josie thanks for keeping my secret and humoring me when I`m bored. I would have died if not for your sweet company. Michael thank you for teaching me the college dance, I know I`m not the best dance partner around haha. Geoffrey Mildred Yolanda thank you for all the crappy games heh. To the rest of Thebes Alpha, it has been a blast getting to know you guys, sweating it out at those games, cheering our heads off together, yelling `shuuttt uppp!` to the other OGs during dinner.. Lol. You guys are amazing lah. –blows a million kisses-
Other news,
I`ll be having lectures everyday during the March holidays, bah! And netball training starts tomorrow, I hope my netball skills have not waned, or I`m pretty much fcked. The lecturer from TP called and requested for me to come down for an interview on Tuesday, so I`m pretty excited about that. But if I`m accepted into the course(Communications and Media Management) I want in TP, then I won`t be able to go back to SR, and that kinda sucks since I`ve already forged so many friendships with some really cool and awesome people. Oh well, we`ll see I guess. Okay I`m out.
Skipping beats, blushing cheeks I am struggling.
Daydreaming, bed scenes in the corner cafe
And then i'm left in bits recovering tectonic tremblings
You get me every time.
Why d'ya have to be so cute?
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Say goodnight and go.