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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I love watching THE OC, but this is too funny to let go. It`s a parody of this tv show, entitled the EMO.C. Lmao. I tell you it is soo dead on. Their expressions and little actions were almost exactly the same as the real actors in the OC. They captured the mannerisms of the characters so well! I especially liked the guy who played summer. heh. Enjoy! =)

12:00 AM

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Movie Reviews in a Nutshell.

Was supposed to catch Final Destination 3, but it was sold out. Bugger. I would have preferred watching Walk The Line but it isn`t showing anymore. Double Bugger. And so we settled on Rumor Has It. The movie was pretty entertaining, but truthfully, it was a very mediocre comedy film. The funny bits were a little forced, and people laughed only out of politeness I think. Kevin Costner did a great job but I can`t help but somehow feel that Bruce Willis would have played a better Beau Burroughs. Oh by the way I love this quote in the movie:

`Life has to be a little nuts or else it`ll be just a bunch of Thursdays strung together!'

It`s like the perfect excuse if you want to do anything silly or if you get into trouble with your parents for doing something you`re not allowed to. Heh heh.

Anyway, Sweet November was showing on Channel 5 when I got back so I caught that as well. Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron shared an amazing chemistry in this film. The plot is quite similar to A Walk To Remember, except that the two have completely opposite endings. I like the way Sweet November ended, for it was sad yet oddly touching. I would have done what Sara (Charlize) did, which was to finally leave him. I guess she wanted him to remember her like that forever, the memories of their perfect love and the sweet november that they had shared, and not those filled with pain and sadness when she finally dies. Well in short, Sweet November beats Rumor Has It hands down.

All we have is how you remember me. I want that memory to be strong and beautiful. If I know I am remembered that way, I can face anything. Don`t you see? You`re my immortality.

2:34 AM

Saturday, February 25, 2006


I was browsing through some of my pictures and I came across 3 pretty interesting ones, which were taken when david, imran and shane came for a sleep-over; dvd marathon. They stayed over for 2nights I think, cuz my parents were overseas. Now how can I not share these pictures with the world? Mwahahaha.

Aha! Now you know how Imran looks like when he sleeps. Lol. Ok lah, he looks relatively peaceful. I think he was the one who kept pushing downwards as he slept, which resulted in the whole mattress sliding and the pillows slipping off. (so maybe it wasn`t you david haha.)

Shane got to sleep on the long and comfortable couch. that idiot. I was supposed to sleep there. oh well. Hmm. Lmao. Emo hair! hahaha. Anyway, that blanket with bugs bunny and carrots on it is not mine. It`s gloria`s. :)

GUESS WHO? GUESS WHO? it`s...... SHANE! In just a thin t-shirt and checkered boxers. Don't you know? This is his signature seduction pose. Hahahahaha.

Well, I couldn`t take pictures of david because he always woke up earlier than me. -i`ll get you the next time!- Overall, the sleep-over was pretty fun. Oh, except for the fact that imran likes to snore(loudly), shane likes to fart (waayy too much), and david likes to hog the blanket. Heh :)

1:49 AM

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Guy(friend of mine) says:
F.U.B.A.R.(me) says:
hey ya
Guy says:
nv go out ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
not today.
Guy says:
nt feeling well ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
nah i'm okay.
Guy says:
Guy says:
den why u not going out today ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
you don't have to go out everyday, right?
Guy says:
Guy says:
Guy says:
but don u think that nt going out abit too boring?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
nah i know how to occupy myself.
Guy says:
i see see
Guy says:
den u today stay at hm for the whole day ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
sort of. i woke up really late.
Guy says:
i see
Guy says:
how about tml ?
Guy says:
planning to go anywhere
F.U.B.A.R. says:
I am not sure.
Guy says:
i see
Guy says:
don have anything in mind ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
not really.
Guy says:
i see
Guy says:
hmmm can i ask u out ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
F.U.B.A.R. says:
aren't you with –censored-?
Guy says:
-censored- ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
Guy says:
just going out walk walk still have to see got stead or not de mehz
F.U.B.A.R. says:
i mean, it would be wrong if you had a girlfriend but went out with another girl right.
F.U.B.A.R. says:
that's like, 1st degree cheating. : )
Guy says:
den what if the girlfriend is working and has no time for the boyfriend?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
then the guy should be more understanding, and not ask other girls out. =)
Guy says:
Guy says:
ok lahz
Guy says:
after all, <-good lord. This guy needs to relearn the English language.
Guy says:
tml free to go out with mi ? <- he obviously hasn`t gotten my point.
F.U.B.A.R. says:
message me tmr and i'll see if i'm free.
Guy says:
hmmm why cnt confirm now lehz ?
F.U.B.A.R. says:
simply because I may have commitments tmr which i'd forgotten.
F.U.B.A.R. says:
Okay goodbye.

No prizes for guessing my final decision. Lmao. Oh fyi, I find guys who have a poor command of the English language a MAJOR HUGE-ASS TURN-OFF. *yawns. It`s 3am. I`m off to bed.

Click these if you love, or hate me:

2:49 AM

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I'm not in the mood for words. Let this picture do the talking. I'm out.

1:13 AM

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Yes you guessed it. I caught the movie late last night.

Brokeback Mountain hits you like a shot in the heart. ``If you can`t fix it, you have to stand it.`` That in a nutshell is the story here. It is not a fairytale love story in which the lovers ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. It`s a tragic romance in which no one wins.

The cinematography in this film is astounding, the acting is flawless, and the directing by Ang Lee is amazing, and the story, well, impeccably heart-breaking. It is a love story that goes beyond a controversial issue.

This powerfully intense and emotional motion picture grabs you right where it hurts and doesn`t let go. My heart ached for Ennis (Heath Ledger) and Jack (Jake Gyllenhaal). Ennis that was orphaned as a little boy, the inability to trust, to both of them, to walk a path that you know you cannot follow, to long for something so intense, to love someone so much that they could never let go of, but could never be with.

The astonishing force that each of the actors portrayed their character, was nothing short of brilliant. Both Ledger and Gyllenhaal make this anguished love story physically palpable. The pain and disappointment felt by Jack, who is softer, more self-aware and self-accepting, continually registers in Gyllenhaal`s sad, expectant silver-dollar eyes. The repression of the love that they shared was evident from the destruction of the life they pretended to live, to the stolen moments of love that they shared ``fishing``; having to live a lie, to force yourself not to love, or want to be with that person.

You felt each move they made, each hungry touch, each passionate look at the other. You can`t help but be torn apart when Ennis realizes his true feelings.. when he is separated from Jack that first time, as he breaks down in the alley, the raw emotion, that unmitigated pain and agony.. the realization as Jack has while driving away, watching that solitary figure in his rear view mirror.. for them to realize that their great love is a man, but all the complications, the implications to both them and their wives.. the agonizing longing they feel for the other, not just during that memorable summer but for a lifetime.

While some might say the movie develops too slowly, it is the pacing of it that allows the movie to sink deep into your soul. It`s a lovely, very benign love story; a sad, tragic, poignant, realistic western. There were sniffling noises in the theater when Jack cried out these words to Ennis- ``I wish I knew how to quit you.`` in a voice choked with so much agony and desperation and Ennis in turn collapsed to the ground and broke down completely in such painful sobs that would soften even those with a heart of steel. Like no other romantic story I`ve seen depicted on film in ages, this one cut me in two.

Ang Lee, unbelievable. The development of the characters, the bond, the situation, the universal tragedy of forbidden love, the undiminished urgency of their passion, the instinctive sympathy, his ability to relate, to make you feel what the actor/actress is feeling.

Ang Lee: ``It`s a part of human nature to fear desire and to lose control, and so we begin to indulge in self-denial. Self-denial leads to darkness ... because it shuts out truth, and then, you have nothing but the darkness, and regret, and the memory of what might have been. Brokeback Mountain is a romantic symbol of what we fail to attain. It`s about loss. It`s about fear. It`s about the illusory quality of love.``

The way that Ang has directed the film, you feel the intimacy when it grabs them, and you bleed the loneliness of the life that they live. The shock from both characters, when the bond they have established is realized, not just because it`s a man that the other is in love with, but the intensity of feelings that is involved. You cannot help but feel the confusion, the agonizing longing they have, the want to be together yet not being able to do so.

Ang portraits their desire so incredibly forcefully, you leave the theater with a loss of words. My heart ached for Ennis and Jack, and it broke for Alma. I cannot imagine watching what she saw, and being forced to live a lie. Isn't that what the goal was? For the audience to feel the profound love, the loss, the rage, the agonizing longing, the pain, the rage, the rejection that is felt, that is unforgettable for everyone.

Brokeback Mountain is a beautifully subdued and masterful piece of work in every facet of filmmaking. While clearly not having the intention to be a milestone film, it is one, and in turn is one of the best films so far this decade. Those who choose not to see it based solely on the homosexual content are obviously free to make their own choice, but don`t come bellyaching to me saying that there aren't any good movies out there.

4:10 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2006


My inspiration to write this entry came from the music video of the movie, Brokeback Mountain, which I`d posted in the previous entry.

HOMOSEXUALITY. Is it acceptable or is it not? Here in Singapore, probably not. And I think the damn reason is because it`s a taboo subject and people here don`t talk about it enough. Why? Blame it on our conservative society, or shall I say blame it on the older generations and their rigid mentality. We were brought up with the notion that falling in love with someone of the same sex is just, plain wrong. Don`t believe me?

Well, what was your reaction after seeing this? Did you go ``EEEE``? Or was disgusted? See. Why? Just because it is a little unconventional? And based solely on that we`re going to condemn every gay person we meet? Wouldn`t that be selfish, not to say extremely shallow? Think about it. You can`t determine whom cupid would take a shot at for you. You fall in love with that special one and that`s it. You can`t explain it and you certainly can`t help it. It`s exactly the same with gays, except the lover in question is of the same gender. That`s all.

In my opinion, nobody is qualified enough to define the term LOVE. We all have different interpretations of love, but which one of them can actually be the most accurate, the most genuine? It`s impossible to find out. As for me, I`d like to think of Love as an extraordinary force of nature. So spare me that bullshit of how gay love is forbidden and wrong. What right have we to judge? Love has no boundaries other than the ones we ourselves impose upon it.

I believe you have no idea how much damage our superficiality and our attitudes towards this issue had caused. Two of my guy friends (who I will not name), both in their adulthood, told me just the other day how difficult their love was. It started out from the innocent rush of first love and then gradually to the private self-loathing and shame as they realized that they are ``different``. I cannot imagine how much this relationship had tormented them and the pain they had to go through. They couldn`t celebrate their love out in the open. Society doesn`t condone that. When it was made known to their friends and relatives, they scorned them, ridiculed them, and refused to support them both financially and emotionally. One of them had a nervous breakdown and became suicidal.

I`m not trying to play the sympathy card here. I just want you to understand all that they`re going through. I`m hoping that people can change in terms of their preconceived notions of homosexuality, which so many of the times are untrue. Why should two persons` lives be so broken just because society can`t accept them for who they are? Even if you look at it from a heterosexual point of view, it`s just not fair.

And I finally understand why I`m dying to see Brokeback Mountain; because (after watching the trailer and clips of the film)I know it is a painfully real dramatic depiction of men in love and not stupid shows in which homosexuality is made stereotypical and comedic in order to make it palatable to the mainstream audience. Also, more importantly, I think it serves as a groundbreaking piece of cinema history since this film(which was eight years in the making), in all its bravery, is shown in a time when cultural conservatives are clamping down on freedoms of expression, particularly with regard to art and sexuality. I applaud Ang Lee, Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal and everyone who took the risk and made this truly special motion picture. Thank You.

I don`t know if I`m being naïve if I think this entry could create enough impact on people to be able to change their former views on this issue but I really hope in one miraculous way or the other, it would at least touched some of you.

To J & A, this one`s for you. Stay strong.
warning: i said it once and i`ll say it again, those against homosexuality, do NOT watch. and I also don`t encourage those under 16 to proceed. mature theme.

2:17 AM

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I'm Back.

To nurhayati and carlito(tagboard): Its entirely up to Alice whether she wants, or not, to be acquainted with your friends. The primary purpose of Friendster for most of us is to contact old or lost friends and to keep in touch with them. Anything other than that will probably not be entertained and I guess she feels this way as well. Good day to you.

Ahh. Its been a while. Computer has been fixed so its all good. I gotta admit I`m pretty disappointed with my results. I expected much more. But on the bright side, I passed math quite decently; considering how I`ve been failing it since sec two, and my science jumped from an E8 to a B3. pretty crazy huh. Yes I scored a distinction for English, but I think everyone saw that coming. I`m trying to get into CJC or MJC right now. Alright enough about this.

My dad bought me a brand new phone because I was complaining about how my present one suck and its ruining my life and how by not buying a new one for me HE is ruining my life. So yeeap. Nokia N70 for me. I wanted the Motorola Razr in black but he claimed the guy at the counter said this is way better since it`s 3G and blah blah blah. For those of you who want my phone, its $800 plus. Happy saving people. =)

The other day at Cinei, I walked into a CD shop and snapped up four albums. It totally made my day. I bought Joss Stone`s Mind, Body and Soul, Robbie William`s Greatest Hits, Josh Groban`s Closer and IL DIVO. They didn`t have Sarah Mclachlan`s Afterglow and told me, much to my dismay, that The Used`s album was sold out. Bugger. Speaking about CDs, all you progressive metal fans have got to get Dream Theater`s latest release, Octavarium. That album is so awesome. My favorite songs in there are the answer lies within, tear down these walls and sacrificed sons. Plain yogurt fans can choose to download these three songs. I mean, if you trust me.

Dream Theater; which brings me to their concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on the 27th Jan. I bumped into Sam(Pug Jelly, Saw Loser) again. He sported a beer belly, tsk too much partying, but still looked pretty darn hot. I took a photo with him again, this time for fun. He was so cheeky! Lol. And I saw him again the very next day when we hit town. So anyway, the concert was fabulous. The second they emerged and Mike Portnoy made the first power-packed hit on his drums, all hell broke loose. Virtually `except for Sam & Jimmy- everyone scrambled to the front. The instant they started playing, I could literally feel the music seep into my pores beneath my skin and exploding inside every inch of my veins. LaBrie`s vocals were amazing when he sung live. I found myself trembling with musicality awe as the ground vibrated and shook from their awesome playing. Such raw and powerful energy. Ahh. Though it wasn`t as crazy as Good Charlotte`s, I enjoyed the whole evening thoroughly. The guys did a great job. Pictures and video clips of their concert will be up soon. Next. Who`s up for Oasis` concert? Heh.

Moving on, I still can`t believed how Memoirs of A Geisha let me down. To think I watched it on Chinese New Year. It ruined my festive mood since that movie was basically crap. I mean, it wasn`t gobshit crap, but lousy crap. Get? I only liked Gong Li`s acting. Zhang Zi Yi can`t speak the English language for nuts. I felt like slapping her repeatedly whenever she spoke and screaming into her face, "For fuck sake can you not drag your pronunciation for every vowel of every word in every sentence?!" my gawwdd it was sooo effing annoying ok.

On a happier note, I can`t wait to see Brokeback Mountain! C`mon it`s Jake Gyllenhaal & Heath Ledger leh. If you can`t remember, think Day After Tomorrow-Jake- and A Knight`s Tale-Heath-. Two totally hot guys, so what if they`ll be playing as gays in the movie? Jake will be playing as Jack Twist while Heath will be Ennis Del Mar in this love story about a forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys and their lives over the years.

Someone said:
I warn you - the ending will likely make most people cry. Very heart-breaking. But ultimately a very satisfying and moving movie experience.

Quotes from Brokeback Mountain:
Ennis Del Mar: I'm gonna tell you this one time, Jack fuckin' Twist, an' I ain't foolin'. What I don't know - all them things I don't know - could get you killed if I come to know them. I mean it.
Jack Twist: Yeah well try this one, and I'll say it just once!
Ennis Del Mar: Go ahead!
Jack Twist: Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin' real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn't want it, Ennis! So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all. So I hope you know that, even if you don't never know the rest! You count the damn few times we have been together in nearly twenty years and you measure the short fucking leash you keep me on - and then you ask me about Mexico and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get. You have no idea how bad it gets! I'm not you... I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year! You are too much for me Ennis, you sonofawhoreson bitch! I wish I knew how to quit you.
Ennis Del Mar: [crying] Well, why don't you? Why don't you just let me be? It's because of you that I'm like this! I ain't got nothing... I ain't nowhere... Get the fuck off me! I can't stand being like this no more, Jack.

Here`s a video made from clips of Brokeback Mountain with the song by Nickelback, Far Away. Immensely heart-wrenching. This video made quite an impact on me. Truth be told, I almost teared while watching it. I don`t know how to explain it but it touched me in the most profound and strangest way. See it. I`m out.

warning: Those who are against homosexuality please refrain from watching. Also, if you are, get the fuck away from my blog. I don't like people who discriminate.

3:15 PM