For those of you who enjoy watching hard-core gore and violence and loved grisly thrillers like Saw and Saw II, watch out for this:

Storyline: Three backpackers head to a Slovakian city that promises to meet their hedonistic expectations, with no idea of the hell that awaits them.
It is rated R-Restricted 17 in the states for brutal scenes of torture and violence, strong sexual content, language and drug use but I really hope it will be an NC-16 here, although chances are it will not. Anyhow, I will find means to watch it; it looks too good to give it a miss. Check out the trailer at the movie's site, and while you're there, pop by their downloads section-their ringtones are screams of agony and pure terror. I was totally spooked out after hearing them.
Someone who has watched it said:
After the first 20 minutes, be prepared to be disgusted, surprised, and be sweating in your seats. This movie is NOT for a young audience nor is it for teenagers. The rest of the movie which comprises of 2 fairly long torture scenes that I had to close my eyes is very graphic being both gory and very violent.
Guys, don't take a first date as the chances are she will slap your face and walk out.
haha. ok that aside, guess who's the most HATED celebrity of 2005?
Yeap. Miss ditzy-whorish-bimbo. No sorry i mean Paris Hilton. Let's see. Fell out with best friend(Nicole Ritchie). checked. Got engaged and backed out at the last minute(Paris Latsis). checked. stolen someone else(Mary Kate Olsen) boyfriend(Stavros Niarchos ). checked. lets stop here i am getting annoyed. seeee. no wonder she got that title. The winners in full:
Movie of the year: Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
TV show of the year: Desperate Housewives
Best actor: Johnny Depp
Best actress: Renee Zellweger
Best male artist: Robbie Williams
Best female artist: Madonna
Best band: U2
Best album: Kaiser Chiefs - Employment
Best single: Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To?
Best celebrity couple: Heidi Klum and Seal
Worst celebrity couple: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Best celebrity scandal: Kate Moss' cocaine scandal
Best new celebrity: John Legend
Most stylish female: Sienna Miller
Most stylish male: David Beckham
Favourite celebrity: Noel Gallagher, Oasis
Most hated celebrity: Paris Hilton
I am pretty satisfied with the results. Ok I'm out.